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공지 학부연구원 및 대학원생 모집 공고 관리자
공지 We are looking for graduate students! 관리자
30 Mingyu Jeon won an award at Capstone Design Competition 관리자
29 Woo Young won a student oral presentation award again! 관리자
28 Prof. Cha has received the Engineering Education Award 관리자
27 A research paper has been published! 관리자
26 Woo Young won a student oral presentation award! 관리자
25 Our department's name has been changed. 관리자
24 SI investment contract between JW pharmaceutical and S&E bio 관리자
23 A new research article has been published!!! 관리자
22 A new research article has been published!!! 관리자
21 Student's presentation awards in KSBM 2022!!! 관리자
20 A research article has been published 관리자
19 Our book chapter has been published 관리자
18 학부연구원 및 대학원생 모집 공고 관리자
17 We are looking for graduate students! 관리자
16 The book chapter has been accepted! 관리자
15 Prof. Cha gave an invited lecture at KTERMS 관리자
14 Poster presentation @ KSBM spring meeting, 2021 관리자
13 Two review articles have been published from our lab! 관리자
12 Bronze award from the 2020 CON2ECT Creative Research 관리자
11 Prof. Cha gave an invited lecture at KSSCR 관리자